Thursday, 1 January 2015

New additions to the main Deighton Dossier website

Hawkey's SS-GB stamps
I've been busy over the Christmas period adding new information and galleries of pictures to the main Deighton Dossier website which I hope will interest readers. Do check out:

There's plenty more that's been updated and improved - hope readers find it interesting.


  1. Nice! Thanks for the additions.

    I noticed one significant typo: On the SS-GB stamps page, toward the end of the first paragraph, you give the year of the British surrender to the Nazis as 1914, rather than 1941.

  2. Also, I have one remarkably dumb question after reading Deighton's novels for over 35 years... perhaps you could add the answer to the Biography page. How does Len pronounce his last name? Day-ton? Dye-ton? Dee-ton? Thanks!

    1. Day-ton (the last syllable is pronounced flat, rather than with an emphasis on the 'o'. The name is from Yorkshire)

  3. Hi Rob, great new material. Thanks.

    BTW the link to the Kennedy assasination bit is broken. Can you re-ecan the magazine article various bits are lost.

  4. Understand the Deighton related material. But am puzzled about the relevance of "Assassination of President Kennedy" here. Unless ofcourse, there is Deighton's comments on it. Person of my vintage, who often visited the US in those decades, have seen the CBS footages in various angles of that incidence as well as the incidences leading to it.

  5. Simon, it's included as Deighton wrote much of the content. He told me recently over lunch some interesting stories about the Kennedy government and the scandals around Marilyn Monroe and the assassination of Robert Kennedy. Ray Hawkey put Deighton in touch with the lead police officer on both cases who helped him on Violent Ward.

  6. Mentioned here as I can't think of a better place to put it your fascinating SS-GB stamp section let me to find this:
    Propaganda and Espionage Philately
