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All gone now, of course.... |
After catching up recently with him in
London, Len Deighton kindly agreed to do another short Q&A interview,
giving fans and blog readers more news and insight on his work and his life.
We’re very grateful that he’s chosen to do so, and I hope readers find the
interview interesting. It’s split into two parts.
Part one covers the topic of
Berlin, one of the main ‘characters’ if you like in many of Len’s novels. I’ve
just returned from there and the city retains it’s special aura, and the
Berliner Luft is still present.
The second part is Len answering questions
submitted by readers of the blog.
Part 1 - ‘Berlin’
The Deighton Dossier: One of the most memorable phrases from
Berlin Game I can recall instantly is this by Bernard Samson: “Did you ever say hello to a girl you almost
married long ago? Did she smile the same, captivating smile, and give your arm
a hug in a gesture you’d almost forgotten? That’s how I felt about Berlin every
time I came back here.”
Alongside Fiona and Gloria, one can almost regard Berlin as the third
woman in Bernard’s life, so strong is the pull of the relationship (with Tante Lisl
the embodiment of the city, perhaps). What were your impressions of Berlin when
you visited it for the first time? How did they change over time?
Len Deighton: At a London film festival
I met an East German film director and we became close friends. When I first
went to Berlin I was coming from Czechoslovakia in a very old VW and my
destination was the East Sector. I came to know the East (communist) sector
fairly well and made friends there, before spending any time in the West.
The neighborly cohesive atmosphere in the East reminded me of that of London during the war. Additionally there were the historical associations with the streets and buildings. Although Berlin was badly damaged many old buildings remained and so did the seemingly unquenchable good humour of its inhabitants.
It took a little time to fall in love with
Berlin - its a grimy town with a lot of ugly buildings and a truly fierce
winter - but it took a hold on me and I have never really shaken off my
affection for it.
DD: You
describe the character Major Erich Stinnes, the KGB major working out of
Normannenstrasse, in a fantastically three-dimensional and believable way. Was
he based on anyone you met? When you were in Berlin, how did you find out about
or research how the Stasi/KGB operated in order to make it so believable?
Len: Yes, he was based upon a grim-faced East
German pen-pusher who had lived in Moscow where he became a 'Germany
specialist'; at least, that's what I was told. He turned up rather too often
among the people I knew in Berlin. I don’t think he was assigned to watching me
(he would have been more friendly had that been the case), but he was a
dedicated Marxist while I was a self-confessed capitalist. We didn't become
DD: When
you spoke to East Berliners living behind the Wall, how did they regard the
Wall and the regime? Did people generally get on with their lives or – as you
depict graphically in the Lubars bolt-hole of Zena from the Western side - was
the Wall a permanent physical part of their daily lives which had an impact in
both complicated and simple ways?
Len: Well, of course people in the Eastern
Sector had to be guarded in what they said, but one soon became used to reading
between the lines and, considering how spiteful the East German regime could
be, many people were bravely outspoken. Some stories were simple and very
human, people would simply relate happenings and leave the conclusion unspoken.
One woman explained that she had been
engaged to a young man living just a block away from her, with their marriage
all planned, when the Wall went up and divided them. Berliners on both
side of the Wall were brave and witty and many of their droll jokes
revealed hostile feelings about all the authorities, with a particular
emphasis on the Russians.
DD: The
escape of Herr Dr von Munte and his wife via a sealed-in chamber in a truck via
Berlin’s Muggelsee; the planned extraction of Colonel Stok by Kreutzmann
through a hearse in Funeral in Berlin – were they entirely your own
constructions or were both based on stories you’d heard about previous attempts
to cross the Wall?
Len: Yes, there were many well-authenticated
stories of that sort. I never met any of the escapers but the
American military were very forthcoming about them and their methods.
DD: One
of the recurring locations in the Samson series of stories is Leuschners Café,
near the old Anhalter Bahnhof, where Bernard and Werner meet regularly. It’s
also a piece of the old Berlin from their childhood. Was it based on a real
café that you visited?
A. Leuschner's was a fictional eating place
created from several real ones. Those old family-owned eating places
seemed to be unique to Berlin and I loved to find them. I chose that location
because I have always been fascinated by Anhalter Bahnhof and what it once
had been. I have tried not to bore my readers but I immensely enjoyed
my digressions into Berlin history; that sort of research became my favoured
DD: Like
in many of your books, food – and Berlinerisch
food – features strongly in the narrative. What were your favourite Berlin
Len: Berlin suffers cruel winters and the
most delicious dishes are those based upon dumplings and pork. Not so welcome
in summer, but wonderful in winter. There seems to be hundreds of
different dumpling recipes and they are all delicious. For meat, the top of my
list is Eisbein, a large braised
pork knuckle served whole. (There are jokes about the double meanings of
this name.) Hackepeter is ground raw
pork, rather like steak tartare.
Because German agricultural regulation is so strict, raw pork is safe to eat in
Germany; I like it but I would not eat raw pork anywhere but Germany.
It wasn't difficult in those days to find
family-owned cafes and restaurants where the cooking was authentic and rich
with protein. Kraftbrühe mit Ei is
clear beef soup with a raw egg dropped into; it was one of my regular pleasures.
The little crescent-shaped cookies that Werner likes - Kipferln - are another weakness of mine; and in summer the 'red
fruit' desserts can be wonderful.
Another favourite of mine is Weisswurst - a sausage made from veal
and other 'white' meats. It is served with a sweet German mustard, but it
is in fact a dish from Munich. Berliner Weisse
mit Schuss is a pale beer with a shot of raspberry syrup. A Berliner is a doughnut (round not
ring-shape) and the day after President Kennedy proclaimed 'Ich bin ein
Berliner' Germany's many newspaper cartoons depicted talking doughnuts! A
Berlin summertime dessert is Rote Grutze
a mix of red fruits; an authentic one is superb but nowadays many are no more
than jellied fruit. Last and least is currywurst a sausage liberally
flavoured with curry; not recommended even to the hungry
Part 2 - questions from
Deighton Dossier readers
“Craig” had a number of questions for Len:
1. What does "W.O.O.C.(P)" stand for? Did you just make up the
initials without actually having a name? I always thought the "(P)"
meant "Provisional", but "W.O." presumably does not mean
"War Office" since Dawlish and Ross clearly belong to different
Len: I confess, I can't recall! I think it must
be somewhere in a footnote in one of the Harry Palmer books but I don't know
where. I think WO was War Office and P was Provisional. I adapted the name from
one of the wartime sub-departments with which the War Office was larded.
2. Is the character called "Pat Armstrong" in "Spy
Story" really the unnamed protagonist from the early "Secret
File" novels? There seems to be evidence both for and against, but I'd
like to hear Len's view. Pat seems to me to have a lot in common with
"Harry Palmer", whereas the unnamed hero of "An Expensive Place
to Die" seems like a very different person.
Len: I was asked to use different names for the
books because of the legal implications of 'character rights'. I took advantage
of this in adapting their characters and their past history. Yes, the man
in Expensive Place to Die is not
quite Harry Palmer. But, generally, they are the same basic character. Years
later, when I started planning the Bernard Samson stories I created a
completely different character. I wanted a family man with a more complex
attitude to his life and his work.
3. The closest that the Secret File protagonist ever gets to having a
real heart-to-heart conversation with another person is his talk with Col. Stok
near the end of "Billion Dollar Brain", after the death of Harvey
Newbegin. How do you see the relationship between these two? On the one hand,
they are obviously antagonists, but on the other hand, they know perfectly well
who each other are and what they represent, which in an odd way gives them a
certainty about each other that they probably rarely find with others.
Len: Yes, it came from some valuable
conversations I had with an American (an agent, maybe?) who had been arrested
and had a rough time detained in the East. He made light of what he had
suffered and gave me no more than an outline about what he was doing over
there. But he described a Russian colonel who wanted to know all about the pay
and the expenses made to American agents. 'Do you get this and do you get
that? Can you charge this?' etc., etc. This Russian colonel wasn't a
potential defector, but simply an envious employee from a rival
4. At the end of "Charity" we learn that Silas has been the
mastermind behind everything since "Berlin Game". Did you have it
planned that way from the start, and was the series always intended to be a
"trilogy of trilogies" leading up to that final revelation?
Len: I didn't line him up as a black-hearted
villain; I wanted him to be a complicated personality because such people were
twisted in their thoughts. I started off with a wall chart outlining a series
of twelve books but never wrote the final trilogy which would have been about
the fall of the Wall.
In the chart Silas was the master-mind. At
the end of writing Berlin Game I wasn't sure if it would all work out as
planned. I was determined not to write the Samson books one after another
without a break for fear I would go stale. For that reason I broke off to write
and research other books in order to clear my mind. When I got to detailed
planning for the third trilogy (Faith, Hope and Charity) I decided
that the fall of the Wall was such an earthquake that it would obliterate the
long line and progress of the personal relationships (which to me were the most
important element of the books).
So I ended with Charity. Looking back, I
still feel that Charity was the right ending. What happened to all those people
afterwards is something for the reader to enjoy and create on the basis of the
story as written.
Jeremy Duns (author of the Paul Dark series of novels, and a fan too):
1. Were there are any real-life espionage operations during the Cold War
that influenced your fiction, and if so how did he find out about them and
research them?
Len: There were some amazing operations -
tunnels and so on - and in Berlin they provided endless stories and rumours.
But I resisted the sort of thing that movie people call 'production values'
because I wanted the characters to be more important than the headline-grabbing
drama that was happening around them (although in the real world, it’s is exactly
the opposite!)
2. I’m very interested in your work on From Russia With Love – do you have any
surviving drafts of your script and how do you regard it?
Len: I went to Istanbul with Harry Saltzman,
plus the director and the art director. As with virtually all movies, the
producer is the driving force who gets the idea, buys the rights, commissions
the screenplay, chooses the actors and employs the director.
Harry demonstrated this creative power. We
took breakfast together every day so that he could guide me and teach me how
film stories worked. It was a wonderful course in movie making especially as
the rest of each day was spent roaming around Istanbul with Harry plus the
director and art director talking about locations and building the
sets back in England.
I've always been rather careless about
typescripts and notes etc. And having a restless disposition I have
packed, unpacked and repacked countless times as my family and I lived
in different countries, I don’t have much written stuff left.
“Giacomo” is a blog reader and asked: Did you know something about the
Quentin Tarantino's proposal for an adaptation on screen of the "Game,
Set, Match" trilogy? And what's your opinion about?
Len: I am always delighted to hear any proposal,
but over the years I have rejected offers for filming single books from the
Bernard Samson series.
Richard Corles (a wine distributor and fan) asked: What wines do you
prefer to drink these days?
Len: I'm on the wagon these days!
“Daniele”, another blog reader, asked: Are you generally satisfied by
the way your novels have been turned into films? What if anything would you
change about them?
Len: A writer must not be too possessive about
stories. You can't have your cake and eat it. If you sell the rights to someone
you trust; you have to let them create their interpretation. One has to
remember that, a 90-minute film can use about a quarter of the
average length book i.e. 200+ pages. Film is to writing what a photo is to a
painting; photos will all have a certain uniformity but paintings can be
radically varied.
If you want to have a film exactly as you
wrote it you must produce the film yourself and keep a tight grip on it (which
is what I did a couple of times); even then you have to give everyone else a
say in how it comes together.
Jeff Quest, blog reader, asked: I recently read The Ipcress File
for the first time and what struck me was that the story was really about an
office drone taking on more responsibilities and learning how to become a
manager. The office politics aspect of it was what grounded the more fanciful
elements of the book and feels valid even today. Was that portion of the book
based on any of your experiences in the workplace or invented out of whole
cloth like the rest of the story?
Len: Yes, many of my stories are boardroom
dramas with other elements added. My experience in a small London advertising
agency was a starting point, but only a starting point for the interaction. I
enjoy boardroom fiction and films myself. Characterisation and dialogue are
particularly interesting to me and board room dramas provide opportunities in
this respect. Action scenes should be short and also support the
© Pluriform 2012 and the Deighton Dossier.
This content is not to be reproduced
anywhere without strict permission of the blog editor.
Thanks for forwarding my questions to Len, and thanks to Len for answering them! After 30+ years of reading his work, it's wonderful to have had the opportunity to ask him about a few things that have puzzled me.
ReplyDeleteNaturally I am now kicking myself for having forgotten to ask about various other things, but that's life. If the opportunity arises to ask more questions, I'm sure I will have some...
Thanks for sharing the answers and many thanks to Len :)
ReplyDelete"Part one covers the topic of Berlin, one of the main ‘characters’ if you like in many of Len’s novels. I’ve just returned from there and the city retains it’s special aura, and the Berliner Luft is still present"
ReplyDeleteOf course Berlin now is a great city, and the British Embassy there trigger many memories, and whenever I see it, I am reminded about Le Carre's "The Spy Who Came in from the Cold", and to me he portrayed the dismal divided City it was in the shadow of the dreadful Berlin Wall, better than any one else.
Simon, that's an astute observation - yes, I think Le Carre captured the grubbiness of the whole divided city and the impact on the Germans and Europe.
ReplyDeleteTo me, who has special interest in Berlin before and after the Nazi era, and before and after the Berlin Wall-I visited East Berlin in ealy 1980s, easier for me then as an engineering conference was held there. I being an academic carried the title Professor Doktor, which was very pompous, and I used to squirm with uneasiness whenever that title appeared! As I had read then both the novels-"The Spy Who Came in from the Cold" and "Funeral in Berlin", my trip was very interesting indeed. But during my 2 days stay in East Berlin,I felt trapped. Taking the U Bahn from West Berlin which stopped at Friedrichstraße only to let us out to go to East Berlin is still fresh in my memory. My second visit to Berlin in 1990 was even more bizarre, and I could sense the desperation of erstwhile East Berliners that capitalism was not working for them. My East Berlin collague, a Professor Doktor was unemployed, and was cursing the Wall being down!! I never thought sleeping uncomfortably in my East Berlin Hotel bed then that an East Berlin female scientist within 3 decades from then would become the Chancellor of Germany, that the undivided Berlin would become the capital of Germany again, and would be the most powerful country economically in Europe. That special aura of past and present walking through the City-yes indeed!!